It takes time and dedication to learn anything new. When you start anything that you've never done before it's frustrating. After a while you'll want to give up and not understand how other people do the same thing with such ease. Well, I'm sure they started with similar frustrations. The main difference between you and the expert is time. It takes about 10,000 hours to be good at something. As an industry pro you have to learn many tools in order to do your daily tasks. What we have to do now is way above what was available 10 years ago, let alone 20 years ago.
I remember starting with a really bad drawing that my mom framed and hung over her fireplace. Ugh. I hate looking at it now. New artists may only draw stick figures. Big deal. New coders may only be able to get the computer to write back "hello". And? Everyone starts somewhere. Do you remember learning to walk? What about learning to use a bike? Eventually these things can be done without thinking about doing it. Muscle memory is developed.
With enough time and dedication almost any skill can be achieved and you wont have to think about it. When I teach someone how to model the extent of their abilities at the beginning is a simple snowman where they have to think about every step on how to achieve a simple goal. A year later they can create very good models. Years later they can create elaborate CG scenes. You’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come in whatever you’re doing. It just takes time.